Rebellion With Purpose: A young adult's guide to the improvement of self and society

1. For whom is this book written?
2. What is the book about?
3. Why was this book written?
4. What benefit can be gotten from this book?
5. How can rebellion be considered a good thing?
6. How is rebellion related to self-improvement?
7. What does rebellion have to do with personal integrity?
8. What can be done to improve society?

1. For whom is this book written?

It is written for teens and young adults from any background or interest seeking encouragement in their quest for a more meaningful and independent life. This is not a book strictly for young people with problems, but for anyone wanting to become more successful, confident and influential. Adults have found it most useful in understanding rebellious attitudes in their children or students. It has helped them to work with their children's behavior rather than against it and has produced constructive results.

2. What is the book about? 

It is about how to gain greater control of one's life, how to discover and fulfill one's potentials, and how to develop better and happier relationships. It is about using one's energies constructively with results that are more satisfying.

3. Why was this book written?

The author Richard Sidy, a high school teacher, saw a great need in students for a supportive environment in which to discuss their most pressing questions about life. The most essential questions that students have are not being answered by most classes, and there was no book which had a realistic perspective that could inspire and give direction to young people. Also, he observed that alienation and self-destructive behavior were the result of bright and idealistic students not having hope for the future nor a creative, constructive outlet for their idealism. This book grew out of discussions which students initiated in his classes often during times of crisis. 

4. What benefit can be gotten from this book?

This book helps the reader develop an optimistic outlook, and the desire and courage to help oneself and to reach out and help others. It has been instrumental in building leadership skills, in helping young people conquer habits that were harmful, and in helping overcome past hurts which were preventing a happy and self-confident way of life. It has fostered more communication and better relationships with parents.

5. How can rebellion be considered a good thing?

Rebellion is good when it destroys limitations which prevent human progress. Virtually all inventions and beneficial movements were born of rebellious spirits who were dissatisfied with barriers which caused suffering, limited human freedom, and kept society and culture from progressing. For rebellion to be good it must be constructive and fit the goal of creating a better life. The founding of the United States is a good example of constructive rebellion which was aimed at establishing freedom, human rights and values. Rebellion in youth can be a very positive factor when it fosters more independence, overcomes obstactles to their achievement, and gives them initive to help others.

6. How is rebellion related to self-improvement?

Once we recognize and rebel against the negative things in our life holding us back, our life improves. In order for anything to grow, it must break limitations. We can see this even in plants where a seed must break its shell in order to grow and flower. A person's potential is a seed trying to grow, but it is often prevented by habits, by negative self-image, by fears, and by false goals which do not fit the purpose of the human "seed." This seed can grow when these limiting "shells" are broken. 

7. What does rebellion have to do with personal integrity?

Integrity is being true to our values and sense of purpose. We can only be true to our self when we know who we are. Most of our life is spent on automatic pilot, being remote-controlled by all kinds of outside forces and by the prejudices, manipulations and desires of others who don't really know us or who are not really interested in our well-being or dreams for the future. Unless we rebel against the controlling influences which pressure us into being false to our true sense of value we will never have integrity. 

8. What can be done to improve society?

When we improve our own life we will take a more active part in helping others. We will become role models and positive influences in our environment. When we start to discover our direction in life we will improve our relationships beginning with family relations and extending to our daily contacts with others. Confident, active individuals with a sense of purpose and personal integrity are the building blocks of a better society. So the improvement of society begins with the individual. 


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