April, 2006
Vol. 5, Number 4
The SNS Press E–Zine presents new perspectives for a better future in society, politics, religion, education, self-awareness and human relations.

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This Month's Article

Human Programming and Conflict: Part I — Instincts, Imprints, and Filters

…the poor duckling, who…looked so ugly, was bitten and pushed and made fun of, not only by the ducks, but by all the poultry….the poor little thing did not know where to go, and was quite miserable because he was so ugly and laughed at by the whole farmyard. So it went on from day to day till it got worse and worse. The poor duckling was driven about by every one; even his brothers and sisters were unkind to him, and would say, "Ah, you ugly creature, I wish the cat would get you," and his mother said she wished he had never been born. The ducks pecked him, the chickens beat him, and the girl who fed the poultry kicked him with her feet. So at last he ran away….

The Ugly Duckling, by Hans Christian Andersen

In the twenty-first century, after having survived millennia of natural and human disasters that threatened survival and caused so much suffering, it seems that humans are still largely governed by the same false biological instincts as in the story, “The Ugly Duckling.” We want to destroy what is different from us. Human conflict and environmental destruction show a basic lack of a consciousness that understands the underlying unity and interdependence of all beings.

The most disturbing manifestation of human conflict is the suicide bomber. Not because its victims are many, but because the killer is also a victim — a victim of his or her act and a victim of the forces that produced the act. Am I alone in feeling that the female suicide bomber is even more horrible and disturbing? I find it hard to reconcile the giver and nourisher of life with an image of such an intimate and personal taking of life. [1]

Why are we not equally horrified by a cruise missile that destroys a whole neighborhood killing children along with their mothers, fathers and grandparents? Perhaps because the act is so impersonal, so scientific, so easily rationalized by political words; perhaps because the killer is not also a victim of the act, so that the killing seems more “natural;” perhaps because the intellectual distance makes it more righteous, and we, in whose name it is done, less personally responsible.

Human genome research tells us that we are 99.99 percent the same genetically. Why are humans still committing suicide on a global scale for the sake of .01 percent, or equally absurd, because of cultural and religious differences? If anything, the genome research is proving religious claims that “we are all children of God.”  We are even genetically related to insects and flowers. When enlightened thinkers tell us to be harmless, they are telling us that taking life is suicide.

Somewhere deep in our subconscious, printed on our shared genetic code, buried under layers of the clothing we call culture, race, and identity, is an instinct that is opposed to the notion of self-destruction. If that instinct didn’t exist, how could one explain the desire to survive even in horrible conditions? Throughout all of human history, suicide remains an aberration — a result of obsession, delusion, insanity. [2]

The universal genetic instinct for self-preservation has resulted in written codes and unwritten taboos that condemn killing one self and others. So how come there are still wars, riots, ethnic cleansing, and man-made destruction of our life-raft earth? It’s because of the layers of clothing that act as filters, coloring and distorting our perceptions and actions. We respond to our environment and to others based on these filters, and upon the programmed responses that have been imprinted upon us either unconsciously or by design.

If the reality is that humans share the same core instincts and the same needs, why is it that we permit life to be governed by our filters and imprints? Taken as a whole, the filters and imprints of race, religion, ethnicity, nationalism, desires, fears and prejudice cover the shared essence of our human nature. Humans must resist the false behavior forced upon us by the myth-makers who create unnecessary conflicts. They take away our self-determination and happiness and threaten our survival. Like the Ugly Duckling, we must realize that hidden within us is a beauty, which is a potential we share with all human beings.

Next month: What constitutes the filters and imprinting shaping current events? How may humanity change direction so that we resolve our conflicts and shape a healthy and peaceful future?



[1] Torture, a vile and repugnant act, is in a different category than human conflict; it is based on cruelty, on the desire for power over another, and on the desire to humiliate. return

[2] Acts of selflessness to help others, which may result in personal harm and even death, belong to that category of unpremeditated sacrifice produced by one who has sublimated animal instincts, and who acts from the instinct that recognizes one-self in others. We call them “heroes.” Motive is the key: preserving life versus taking life; a consciousness of unity versus a consciousness of separateness; an act of love versus an act of hate; spontaneous sacrifice versus premeditated self-destruction. return

© 2006 Richard Sidy

Contact me with your comments about this topic

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Archives 2002: Vol. 1, Numbers 1-12
Read past articles including:
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Series on Leadership continued
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Is "Liberal" a Dirty Word?
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Poetry Diplomacy Science and Religion  Teen Help
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